Danielle LaPorte’s take on tyrant time & power time – from The Fire Starter Sessions




Quantity-driven. Uses time management systems to crank out lots and lots and lots of stuff Quality-focused. Use time systems to create space and freedom –which then allows you to make more meaningful, substantive things.
Competitive. Compares your productivity with how productive everyone else is. Self-referencing. What matters is what you’re doing that is of value
Time is in charge. Free time is something you earn. Time is dispensed to you. I’m in charge. Things need to earn your time and attention. You are the dispenser of time.
Transactional. You put in time, you get time back Relational. If you relate with the moment-if you’re present-there is a giving and receiving that happens simultaneously.
Logical. Time is measured only by the clock. Magical. Time can be expanded and contracted by energy. With pure intention, you can accomplish a day’s work in an hour, you can gain hours worth of rest in a moment of contemplation, and you can make big things happen very quickly.


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