Laughing Matters has worked with trainers across all industries and addressed specific challenges of the corporate sector. We strike that tricky balance of making learning enjoyable while ensuring people retain the content. These train the trainer workshops help you increase your capacity to engage your learners with cutting edge content. The people you in turn teach will learn, they’ll have a good time doing it, they’ll remember the content and they’ll like you for it!

1. Workshops that Work – Tune-up Techniques for Trainers
2. One Size Doesn’t Fit All
3. Using Humour to Break Down Barriers & Build Bridges
4. From Bureaucratese to Evalu-ease
5. Putting Interaction into Action

Workshops that Work – Tune-up Techniques for Trainers:

Learn the techniques and trade secrets of training to encourage greater impact, longer retention and increased creativity. Learn how to make your training more inclusive and not, as many people do, use training techniques based solely on how the trainer (that would be you) learns.

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One Size Doesn’t Fit All!
Community Building through Conflict Resolution:

While conflict is universal, how we deal with it isn’t. This workshop takes a holistic view of culture (including ethnicity, socio-economic status, sexuality, ability, gender and more), to provide participants with a framework for how to build a culturally sensitive, collaborative conflict resolution process that can then be tailored to fit their individual communities and cultures.

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Using Humour to Break Down Barriers & Build Bridges

Quick! How do you get the attention of a large group without losing your sanity or your voice? Come to this fun, funny workshop to discover how you can use humour to inspire innovation; increase cooperation; build stronger and more effective teams; help people feel engaged and eager to learn about their diversity.

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From Bureaucratese to Evalu-ease:

Does the idea of doing program evaluation make you want to throw your hands up in despair? Do you doubt the sanity of anyone that says evaluation can not only be useful but engaging? Well pack up that doubt and be prepared to do just that- be engaged, have fun AND learn about program evaluation. Based on, but not limited to the program logic model, you’ll take out the bureaucratic red tape, put yourself in the driver’s seat (or bicycle seat as the case may be) and learn to do evaluation, with ease.

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Putting Interaction into Action.

You’ve heard the latest on brain based research and know that people learn better when they are activity engaged in what they are learning. What you may not know is how to do it. Laughing Matters can provide training techniques that help you ad interactivity to even the most seemingly non-interactive content. And we do this in safe and respectful ways with no group groans (silly or embarrassing activities).

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