Diversity Training for better Performance & Leadership
Goal Setting without Grimacing:
Longer description: Goal setting is critical, without goals we are like a ship without a navigational system. Goals help us get clear about what we need and what we want. Goals illuminate our heart’s desire. And yes it is possible to set goals without grimacing. The downfall is that most people don’t set goals because they haven’t found a goal setting system that works for them. Knowing your goal setting style is key to being able to set and achieve goals.
Workshop/seminar length: 1 hour, 4 hour
Group size: unlimited for 1 hour and 4 hours sessions
Direct benefits to participants:
1 hour:
* Overview of the purposes of goal setting
* Learn about the common elements of goal setting
* Determine your goal setting style
* Vision your goals
* Experience hands on learning that leads to practical application in the work place right away
* Gain confidence in your goal setting ability
* Learn and laugh
4 hour:
* Overview of the purposes of goal setting
* Learn about the common elements of goal setting
* Determine your goal setting style
* Vision your goals
* Get practise: rewarding, recording & reporting
* Experience hands on learning that leads to practical application in the work place right away
* Gain confidence in your goal setting ability
* Learn and laugh
* Create a customized set of goals for yourself