You’ve got a community group that has great intentions and great goals but needs something to help it get to the next level. Community Works is a catalyst for skill building and creating capacity in the not-for-profit sector. Through our workshops in cross-cultural and diversity training and team building we engage and inspire participants to build skills while bridging differences, to strengthen their relation to community by celebrating diversity.
Our customized workshops offer hands-on practical skills in a creative and collaborative learning environment. We also cover areas such as needs assessment, evaluation and planning, curriculum design, and cultural audits for organizations. A key component of all of our training services is to provide sustainable action plans for the future so that knowledge and skills are transferred back into the workplace.
Please Note: Community-Works accepts full responsibility for all information presented in our workshops. And if the world becomes a better place for it, you can take all the credit.
This is where great minds meet also interested for community Based trainings within Mathare slums targets the Youths,women & persons with Disabilities