Diversity Training for better Performance & Leadership
You choose the form. We’ll fill in the blanks:
Hiring & Firing: Making it Inspiring: Working closely with your organization, we’ll design a workshop that incorporates humour and interactive activities such as improv into the challenging experience of hiring and firing.
Workshop/seminar length: we develop content to fit your format, from two- hour seminars to all day workshops
Group size: we develop content to fit your audience size
Direct benefits to participants:
* Get a behind the curtain tour of effective training techniques
* Work together to create high impact, interactive and fun content
* Experience maximum flexibility in delivery style. The choice is yours:
o You can deliver the content we create collaboratively
o We can deliver it using a professional trainer and one or more improv comedians or
o We can co-deliver it.
* You get to practise your training skills in a supportive, learning environment before the real thing if you choose to deliver or co-deliver the content
* Experience hands-on learning that leads to practical application that lasts well beyond the original workshop or seminar
* Gain confidence in your interactive training ability
* Learn and laugh